This is an 11 week course provided for students attending Supported Learning Courses at Lewisham College. The course will cover: -Induction: Presenting themselves; Course overview; Goals; Tour of Building; Evacuation Practise; Health and Safety; Ground Rules /Shared Values.-Breaking the Ice : Mindmap our Knowledge; Sexual Acts; Periods; Adult Relationships: the range of (DVD) different relationships; Aspirations for their life? Word storm: Words, relationships, questions, taboos, (DVD) Intercourse, Wet dreams.-Healthy Relationships : Status; How to show people you care? Domestic violence.-Consent and the female cycle : Keeping Safe Social dating /stranger Clinical/safe sex Feeling confident to say No Being confident to say Yes /No Identifying a safe person to get support/advice/guidance FGM sign posting; illegal.-Contraception : Visit to Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinic for young people at Waldron Health ClinicSTIs; Introduce homework project presentation learners' work for week 10.-Outcomes of Sex! : Pregnancy social care involvement; Emotions - Bond of sex; Break up; Emotional intensity. Is it love or infatuation?-What to do with your sex drive? : Why Hormones; When Puberty; Who everybody!; How - Masturbation.-Building Relationships and Maintaining Relationships : Marriage legalities; XXX; Property; Divorce; Difficulties; Civil Partnerships; Forced marriage - illegal.-Love your Bits!: Models of anatomy; Everybody is different; Be confident; What you have is fab; Hygiene.-Learners Turn: Present your understanding of your selected research area.-Course Review: Testing of course materials; Group discussion; Course evaluation.