This beginner taster course is ideal for anyone planning a vacation to a Spanish speaking country. You will be able to use a suitable number of words and basic phrases in situations such as greetings, spelling, using basic numbers, giving personal information, talking about your family, describing yourself physically and including descriptions of clothes, shopping for food and ordering simple drinks and snacks. Note the syllabus is identical to the Spanish beginner part 1, but it was set-up as a stand-alone taster. For those wishing to progress, the advice is to enrol on the Spanish beginner part 1 in the autumn term and on completion progress onto the part 2 in the spring term and part 3 in the summer term.Please be aware the classroom for this course is on the first or second floor of the Brockley Rise Centre. We are in the process of arranging for the lift to be replaced, so temporarily there is no lift access. If you have mobility issues please contact our enquiries line 0208 3143300 or email for help and advice before enrolling.