Feel inspired, discover your inner artist and ignore your daily distractions with stimulating and relaxing projects. This course delivers expressive art tasks to engage the mind and see where the projects take you. Immerse yourself in colour, shape and form. You will acquire, through process, knowledge of a range of media (art materials) to explore your creative potential to achieve an exciting portfolio of work. The sessions are suitable for beginners or those who like to stay within their own comfort zone. This course will focus on the relaxation of the creative process without too much of a technical learning challenge. You will be able to be spontaneous with the task and let the work transport you. However, for those of you who are seeking a creative challenge, you will be supported and encouraged to make creative decisions. Each project will have examples of artists work for you to learn about and inspire you. Processes included in the course are: - applied drawing (without traditional observational methods)- printmaking- collage. At the end of the course, you will have a portfolio of work that you can use if you want to continue with your creative journey. This course is aimed at students who feel a little anxious about the technical challenge of drawing or painting because it adds an added stress to their day. The sessions will focus on abstract imagery and process, and good for the learner who wants to explore the session within a more relaxing parameter. This course will focus on keeping the brain and mental wellbeing fit in the here and now.