BKS Hatha once said that yoga is meditation and meditation is yoga, meaning theyre one of the same. Come and unwind in this 60-minute evening-time yoga class. De-stress after work, take some long, deep breaths. Beginning yoga for the first time or returning to a regular practice a range of yoga asanas (poses) are systematically introduced that will build your confidence and improve an overall sense of health and well-being. You will practise a variety of yoga asanas (postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques) and relaxation. We will explore standing, sitting, twisting, supine, prone and upside down (inverted) postures, integrating the whole body. Regular practice will develop flexibility and balance; build strength, stamina and body awareness. Yoga is available to everyone, it helps to reduce feelings of stress and fatigue in daily life, leaving you rested and with a better sense of belonging a connection to yourself and the world around you.